USS Cobia Activation – November 2013

here’s a video of our last Nuclear Plant drill – starts at 45:45






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W9RES Repeater

******Our repeater is up and running******

Set your radios to 146.895 with a PL tone of 100.0.

Nets are held on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.   A follow-up digital net is in the works.  (No nets on meeting nights, every other week schedule in the summer)



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2012 Field Day

.Manitowoc County ARES/RACES members enjoyed views of the Mariner’s Trail on Lake Michigan when they participated in the 2012 Field Day Event on Saturday, June 25.   Field Day is the single most popular on-the-air ham radio event  held annually in the US and Canada.  On the fourth weekend of June of each year, radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or simply with friends to operate from remote locations.

Some hams will treat the event as a contest, while others may use the opportunity to practice their emergency response capabilities.  It is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the organizations that Amateur Radio might serve in an emergency, as well as the general public.

Manitowoc members operated on 20 and 40 meters, and logged a total of 101 contacts during their one-day event.  Portable antennas were erected on site, and radios were operated using emergency power, generated from the Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle.  Relatives and friends visited during the day and enjoyed a pot luck supper on the lakeshore.

Click on the pictures below for a closer look or click here and scroll through the SLIDES.


Field Day 2012 at the Wayside

Setting up the Portable Antenna

Mike KC9HQV making a contact (QSO)






Dan is ready for the picnic supper – Mike KC9HQV is operating in the background

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