Minutes from the last meeting…………..

November 13, 2018

We will plan a Tape-Measure-Antenna building event in early 2019.  Contact Ken, John or Cary if you’re interested in participating.

A holiday dinner is planned for January 11th at City Limits.  All area hams and guests/spouses are welcome to attend.  Please RSVP to Cary if you plan to attend.  Dinner includes broasted chicken & sirloin tips and all the fixings – $ 14.50 per person.

We will inventory equipment in January, prepare field boxes as complete units.  It was proposed to then use these field kits in 30-60 minute mini-SETS to practice passing traffic, participating with clubs from neighboring counties.

Election of officers was held.

President Ken KD9AQM                                           Vice President Mike KC9HQV

Secretary John KD9IBT                                               Treasurer Car KD9CZQ

Club computers are up to date with operating systems and WinLink software.

Other topics discussed: Yaesu Fusion repeater, Veteran’s Day USS Cobia Special Event, update on HF antenna at the EOC, and member status.  Membership dues are $20 and payable before the end of the year.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.mcaresraces.org/september-2012-aresraces-meeting/

Field Day photos and photos from recent meetings…………

WN9Q, Yogi, how does a duplexer work?

WN9Q, Yogi, how does a duplexer work?


Mike KC9HQV demonstrating meters

Mike KC9HQV demonstrating meters





Mike KC9HQV showing proper use of the coax cutter

Mike KC9HQV showing proper use of the coax cutter










John NZ9Z's box of goodies!

John NZ9Z’s box of goodies!




Each year, amateur radio operators throughout the U.S. set up operations in backyards, public parks, parking lots on the last full weekend in June…………..and participate in ARRL’s Field Day Event.  Groups and individuals can earn points for using emergency power, setting up portable antennas and running multiple stations.  It’s a great way to give your equipment a test run in less than optimal conditions – in the event that you need to operate away from home.  Many clubs invite local dignitaries, Scout troops and served agencies (Salvation Army, etc) and show the public what amateur radio is all about.  The Manitowoc group participates in this annual event and shares a potluck meal and ham radio camaraderie.  Field Day 2016 is scheduled for June 27-28.


Mike, KC9HQV trying out our 2m setup

Mike, KC9HQV trying out our 2m setup



something new this year, operating on 2m

trying something new for Field Day – operating on 2m – John NZ9Z at the radio, Mike KC9HQV and one of our many guests who stopped by




Permanent link to this article: https://www.mcaresraces.org/field-day-2013/

LARSC – Lakeshore Amateur Radio Service Club

The Lakeshore Amateur Radio Service Club (LARSC) was formed to enable the local radio club to purchase affordable liability insurance required to rent space for their new W9RES station location.  The ARES/RACES group has shared space at the Red Cross office in Manitowoc, but will need to vacate that property.

As an affiliated ARRL-sanctioned club, LARSC’s mail focus is to support Manitowoc County’s ARES/RACES group in their Emergency Communications activities.  The LARSC business meeting begins at 6:30 on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except summer).  LARSC and ARES concerns are reviewed, generally followed by an activity/demonstration of general interest to the members.

Visitors are always welcome.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.mcaresraces.org/larsc-lakeshore-amateur-radio-service-club/