Winlink for EMCOMM

I frequently look through other ARES/RACES groups AAR (After Action Reports) for real-world practical issues and solutions.  Here’s some commentary on a recent hospital exercise.  The full AAR and other information can be found here: Google groups – Winlink for EmComm

Trying to voice send an ICS213 is an effort in frustration.

Voice traffic needs to be tactical in nature, short and simple.

No offense to those that made the effort during the drill, but the time it took, the repeats to do a simple ICS213, was painful to listen too.
Too time consuming and the effort needs to be on increasing digital transmission capabilities, like Winlink.

I defy anyone to voice send this real time 213 from the Puerto Rico disaster. And be 100 % accurate and send in a timely manner.


For “what if voice that is all we have’. Then keep it small, simple, and easy. And since this group is about Winlink for Emcomm, start to work towards that goal. Just my thoughts of course.


They raise a valid concern.  In this exercise, they passed 488 pieces of Winlink traffic alone.  Can you imagine how difficult it would be to pass this traffic by voice if only half of the messages were this complex?

If you’re not already practicing with Winlink for traffic passing, now would be a great time to start.   — Ken

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