Strategic National Stockpile Refresher

[wlm_firstname], I received this message from Stan yesterday.  It’s a good reminder that you just never know…….   we might get called up to pitch in someday.  😉   — Ken

Good Morning

Attached are a Power Point and PDF version of the Strategic
National Stockpile presentations that were shown at last years WI
ARES/RACES conference. We did distribute these earlier but as a
frequent “where did that file go” person myself I thought I would send
this out again.

Please pass on to all your members to review and refresh how if there is
a call out for communications for a vaccine, this is how it might start
out. With yesterday’s Presidential announcement, there may be many more
POD’s at commercial venues such as Walgreen’s, CVS and Walmart
Pharmacies. That and with those companies probably faster distribution
systems may preclude our involvement.

But please refresh yourselves on how this system is currently planned,
just in case.

Thank you,

Stan K9STN etc etc etc

Strategic National Stockpile DHS Distribution


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