Nov 14 – 8am Red Cross Winlink Drill

Saturday, November 14, 2020 at 8:00 am local time, The American Red Cross will be conducting a nationwide EmComm Fall Drill.   While the event STARTS at 8:00 am, you can participate at any time until 6:00 pm local.

John, W9AH may have already sent you the Drill Instructions via email, and you can also find them here:

The instructions are easy to follow and comprehensive.

The premise of the exercise is that there is a major weather event that causes outages and hazardous conditions across the country.  Here’s a link to the simulated weather info:

For a realistic experience, you might consider operating off-the-grid.

There will NOT be a net initiated for this drill.  I’d encourage everyone to monitor the W9RES and W9DK repeaters.  KD9AQM will be listening and available in the morning to serve as a ‘support desk’ of sorts.  I’m sure WN9Q could also be found there at times.  😉

If this were a real-world emergency, we’d all forward message traffic to the EC or Net Control at the EOC.  That traffic would then be consolidated and forwarded to the ARC Divisional Clearinghouse.  For the purposes of this exercise, you can direct traffic via Packet P2P (or Telnet) to the EC using the callsign KD9AQM.

You should also attempt to pass traffic DIRECTLY to the ARC Divisional Clearinghouse per the Drill Instructions, as in a real-world emergency you might be asked to be a liaison by the EOC / EC.

To claim your ARRL Connect participation points, register here:

Questions?  Leave them below this post.


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